• Our signature class. In this class, we teach the worlds greatest self-defense system used by the IDF. We challenge our members to think under pressure and adapt to anything that might come their way. Don’t let this class scare you though… you are definitely going to laugh and have fun with our great community

  • Learning how to strike for the first time? Want to get better at holding pads? Even if you want to just sharpen up rusty skills, this class is for you!

  • Get ready to sweat and burn a lot of energy. Battle our weekly stations, conquer the 3 min rounds and face off with trainer and fellow students with our padwork drills. Functional training meets Kickboxing.

  • This class is specifically designed to enhance your skills through collaborative efforts. In this class, you will have the opportunity to hold pads and engage in defensive drills with your partner. By working together, you will not only improve your technique but also build trust and communication with your training buddy. This class acts as a stepping stone for those interested in sparring. Join us and dive into an immersive experience where you and your partner will excel together as a team.

  • At Fight Club Fitness, we believe in empowering women to take control of their fitness journey and embrace their inner warrior. Our Women's Only BJJ classes provide a safe and supportive environment for women of all ages and skill levels to dive into this dynamic martial art.

  • Are you looking for an engaging and exciting activity for your child that not only promotes fitness but also instills vital life skills? Look no further than our Kids Strike & Pad Holding Class at Fight Club Fitness! We specialize in teaching children the proper way to strike, hold pads properly, listen attentively, and follow simple steps. This unique class is designed to lay a solid foundation for your child to effectively work with others, setting them up for success in various aspects of life.

  • Designed with the safety and well-being of your little warriors in mind, this class is the perfect way to equip your child with essential tools and techniques to handle real-world situations.In this empowering program, kids will not only learn effective striking and self-defense moves, but also a comprehensive set of anti-bullying techniques. Our experienced instructors will teach your child how to confidently navigate through challenging encounters while advocating for themselves and others.